Jaxon and I took a trip up to Washington to see friends and family. We always have such a wonderful time up there. It was probably our last trip up there until a few months after Scarlett is born, so we had to make the most of it. I didn't get too many pictures because my mom took over camera duties while I was there. I will post more pics when I get them. For those of you who know my mom, taking over camera duties is what she does best!!! Here are some of the fun things we did. The above pic is Jaxon standing out the sunroof of my mom's car while going down the driveway which quickly became one of his favorite things to do.

Jaxon "helping" me stretch at Aerobics. You can see his bench set up next to mine with the race cars on it.

While we were there we went to Holly's wedding with my parents and Terese.

Spying on TT at Downriggers!
A ride on Uncle Toby's new motorcycle.
Swinging with cousin Lilly at Green Lake.
Earning our keep at Deanna's. ;)
Best Buddies!
Happy to be back home and on the ferris wheel!
After so long of my begging and pleading to get new bedding for our bed, we finally did about a month ago and we loved it.... The problem? Yesterday after doing about 100 loads of laundry, I wondered what would happen if I just put a LITTLE bleach in with the comforter cover, just to make sure it stays white. The result is below if you dare to look.
That was a mistake I will NEVER make again! :( I also learned the important lesson that doing too many loads of laundry in one day while pregnant can severely impair your judgement.