Jaxon's preschool class did a cute performance at Winter Wonderland this year. He did not hesitate to stand front and center, but I think he had a little bit of stage fright after he got there. :)

We had a lot of fun afterwards though.

Poor Scarlett wasn't feeling so hot, she had been sick the day before and seemed better in the morning but she was still under the weather. As soon as we got home I started to feel sick, and within minutes I was very sick. Then Jaxon, then Jason. It was a good 2-3 day experience that I would rather not relive again. Seriously, I have not ever been that sick for that long. It was awful. I would take getting my wisdom teeth pulled over that any day. More on that later...

Jaxon and Jason like to hang out at "The Hill"

Scarlett is turning into a little girl before our eyes. She has eight teeth and more coming in and is almost walking. She is so sweet and always so happy. She has sand and sunscreen in her face, but I still love this photo. I would brag that we had a few 80 degree days in December, but we just got through a huge week-long rainstorm that took all my bragging rights away!

Storytime on the Sand with Grandpa Tom

My Monkey

We went to a awesome Christmas party where even Santa showed up! I love this picture because the kids have the exact opposite rections to Santa. Actually Jaxon isn't smiling for the picture, he's smiling because Santa just gave him some cars. ;)

Neighborhood Christmas light patrol
Jaxon's special ornaments (one for each Christmas signifying something he/she was really into that year. A fun tradition!)
Scarlett's ornaments
"Magic", our Elf on the Shelf helps to keep an eye on things and report to Santa every night. Also a fun tradition.

Speaking of wisdom teeth, the day after my parents got here to help the next week, I got mine pulled. Here we are before we left... It really wasn't as bad as I thought and like I said, I would pick getting them pulled again over the stomach flu. I was pretty out of it for the first day so I didn't know exactly what went on until I downloaded my mom's photos.

Lots of playing and decorating going on in the latest box. (BTW- I should have just given dozens of empty boxes for Christmas and saved myself some $$$.)

Donut eating at the park

Riding bikes- in case you can't see, Scarlett is inside my bike basket that is attached by 10 year old duct tape.

Playing at the beach


Yay, another box to play in!

Reindeer riding (made by Smithy of course)
And finally, chipping a tooth (not on the cookie that he obviously was eating!)
Okay, now I'm back and in serious birthday party planning, cleaning and prep mode. I'm warning you, this is the time where no one should ever come near me. And I feel sorry for you if you do... especially if you are getting in my way. I think it's in the genes.
Even though the weather wasn't exactly cooperating, there was still lots of fun to be had by all. The bouncer also doubled as a slip and slide during a few hours of the day. Yes, that is Scarlett at the top of the slide getting ready to go down by herself!!! I think she's just trying to keep up with her brother.

The cheering section

My dad made her this walker out of PVC pipes, she loves it!

Happy Birthday!!! Not only do my kids have the wonderful luck of having birthdays within the same week of each other AND Christmas, they also get to celebrate by having joint birthday parties!

Scarlett loves her first princess!

Jaxon's real birthday was the next morning. Please don't be jealous of my awesome wrapping paper, I was up till two thirty in the morning after the party writing my Christmas cards and packing these boxes. And honestly, he didn't even notice or care at all.

I love the post office this time of year. It's very magical to wait in line for hours, especially with your restless kids, luckily I had my mom to help.

Last Week he was three....

This week he is four... with a new haircut too!

Last week she was still my little baby, and in a few days she will be ONE!!!
Stay tuned for Christmas and Scarlett's birthday!