I can't believe it has almost been a month since I last posted, but here are some of the things that we have been busy with.
Jaxon had a lingering cough forever, and when it sounded like it was in his chest we took him to the doctor. This picture was taken after his flu test, he was not a happy camper! The test was negative, but he did get some antibiotics to help with the cough.

All better!

Meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus with Alayna at Disneyland. We had a fun time, but it was super crowded and hot and at 9 months pregnant I might have been just a little crabby!

Thanksgiving with The Guysers

We made gingerbread houses after dinner, it was a lot of fun and will hopefully turn into a Thanksgiving tradition for us.

What has really been keeping us busy, busy, busy is our new house. We are signing escrow papers tonight and should be able to get to work by this weekend. And believe me there is no shortage of work to be done! We have decided to stay in our current house until the end of January so that's a relief. Just the idea of moving Jaxon and a newborn into a total construction zone was giving me panic attacks! It will by no means be finished when we do move in, but hopefully it will be getting there.

Any thoughts on the backsplash on the left? I really like it. Our cabinets will be similar to this color, but our countertops are going to be white.

Possible barstools???