Monday, December 14, 2009

Work Party, Anyone?

Here are some more house pics for those of you interested. This blog is probably going to be about home improvements for a long time!!! Scarlett is still hanging in there, and believe me I did some labor-inducing work this weekend! Most of it involved a wheelbarrow and a dumpster.
Our lovely new couch and coffee table
This will be part of the new kitchen. Unfortunately, the peacock and couch will not be staying.
This wall will be opened up for the new kitchen
Jason loved doing the demo on the "Monkey House"
Lots of cleanup

The best little helper ever!
Yes, we did fill this entire dumpster, and yes, we are getting another one to fill this weekend!!! See you then!


  1. It's looking great! I love the pic of Jaxon with his hammer. What a good little worker! And you better be RESTING!!! No more wheelbarrows for you!! :) xoxo

  2. OMGosh! - Because you don't have enough going on right now!!!! :) Are you sure you don't want to keep the peacock?!?! I like those colors!!! :) It's like watching HGTV...I can't wait for the next set of pic's.

  3. Wow the house is really coming along and you both have done so much work. When we bought our house I was pregnant with Ava and we had a lot of projects to do and still do, ha!
    I hope you are feeling well. I can't believe you only have 16 days left. try to nap when you can b/c you will be tired. I'm with Kristi, the Peacock wall is pretty sweet.
    Love the pic of Jaxon with the hammer. I'm sure he is lovin' all the projects.

  4. Oh my gosh Macaulay! This cracks me up so much becauase it looks exactly like our Grove Place house looked when we first got it! Do you remember? SO much fun! And what a big project! Bless your heart and I cant wait to meet the little princess. Ill be in CA in Jan and will come see you.
