The house that started out a few months ago as an empty lot is quickly becoming a three story monster! It looks like it will be very nice with a great ocean view. We can see it from our patio and now that the workers are always up on the roof hammering away, Jaxon got the idea that he needs to be up on the roof of his playhouse hammering away too!

He figured out how to climb up there by himself, and is usually very careful, but if he fall it will be onto the concrete patio. Hopefully this fascination will pass soon.

He still loves to go to the driving range, and is getting pretty good at hitting the ball.

Here is my new haircut, it's pretty short, but if it's long enough to put it in a ponytail that's all I will ever do. I need some motivation to use my new dryer and flat iron!

He told us he was driving to go get a chocolate milkshake.

He is wearing his new Lightning McQueen shirt from Jason's Aunt Debi, he loves it, and when we were leaving the driving range he was chasing Jason and saying, "I'm gonna get you, I can go fast, fast, fast in my McQueen shirt!"

One of our favorite things to do on the weekend is ride our bikes down to the Wedge. It's about a mile down the boardwalk from our house and has amazing waves! Jaxon loves to climb on the rocks and look at the boats passing through.

There was quite a crowd of people watching the waves and the people riding them.

I guess it's hard to tell in these pictures, but they were HUGE waves and they are a lot of fun to watch!

As we were leaving we noticed that there was a wedding taking place on the sand next to us, I didn't take any pictures to be nice, but for some reason Jaxon started shouting, "It's MY DAY today, it's MY DAY!" just as we were walking by. It was pretty funny, I have no idea what he was talking about but I could imagine some brides saying that! :)

Loves riding his bike and getting chased by his daddy!

Yesterday we went to Disneyland, it was super crowded, you can tell summer is here! We still got to go on lots of rides though. We only have a few more weeks till we are blacked out for part of the summer, so we (Jaxon) have to get our fill!

Goofing around in Goofy's Playhouse

Teacups, my camera ran out of batteries on this pic! When we got home he was fine for a few hours and then was acting really tired so I checked and he did have a little fever. After I literally forced some tylenol down his throat, he went to bed at 7:00 and didn't wake up till 11:00 this morning. I know it seems like I could have had a nice relaxing morning to myself, but I was so worried about him that I couldn't sit still and had to keep checking on him. He was sent to the Emergency Room by his doctor in October after a high fever that lasted a few days and it was one of the worst days of my life. It's also the reason he will not take any medication, because so much was forced on him that day, not to mention all the non-stop tests, IV's, X-rays, etc... Anyway, when he woke up he was still acting pretty tired, but after drinking some juice and eating some Kix, he perked up and seemed almost back to normal by naptime. I was so relieved that he was drinking and eating because he didn't want anything after about 4:00 yesterday. So, hopefully when he wakes up he will be back to his normal, fun-loving, adorable self. (BTW, in October he ended up having bronchitis and was severely dehydrated from the fever)