Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All About Jaxon!!!!

The real title of this post as you will find out is "All about Jaxon and Scarlett and however many photos I can upload and comment on in whatever random order they may be in during naptime." :) Jaxon is playing his first year of baseball and loves it, Jason is the assistant coach and they have lots of fun practicing. Go Pirates!
Move over baseball, there's a new favorite sport around here, BASKETBALL!!! Even better is basketball with DADDY!!!!
Almost swimming, and hope to be after we take lessons next month.
Jaxon and Scarlett busy texting, tweeting, emailing, trading stocks, downloading apps, facebooking and of course playing angry birds.
Scarlett loves to reorganize the drawers and cupboards.
She loves to color... I mean take off all the caps of the markers, and scribble on the floor on herself, on Jaxon, on the counter, pretty much anywhere but on the paper.
Looking for Easter Eggs!
Chocolate eggs!
Scarlett and the window love chocolate eggs too!

Jacuzzi time!
They are starting to play more together (without any biting, pulling hair, taking toys away from each other or crying). Yes, Scarlett can climb up on the barstools by herself. She has no fear and you can't leave her alone for one second. Also known as reason # 3,502 why I haven't updated my blog in so long.
Jaxon likes to give himself full sleeve tatoos these days...
Reason # 3,503
Lasagna face!!! Reason # 3,504. She loves to eat and loves to feed herself. Not always a good combination.
Birthday Boy Jason and his donut tree breakfast enjoyed by all!
We are battling a serious addiction around here.
Jaxon and his All About Me poster for preschool. We realized that we forgot lots of important friends and family on our poster so we will have to add them in when we get it back after graduation. Of course we saved the poster till the last moment. Hope that's not a sign of how homework will go in the future, as a former teacher I should know better. ;)
Naptime is over, hopefully I will get to update more often as there is always lots going on around here.


  1. Yay! You're back! I was cracking up at some of these pictures. Scarlett with the lasagna all over her face is priceless. xoxo

  2. It warms my heart to see you post pictures of your beautiful family! Look how big the kids are!!!! WOW. Scarlett's hair is so pretty! awww, time flies. SO glad you posted ;)

  3. its about time!!!! love all of it :)

  4. Thanks for posting, can't get enough of the cuteness!!

  5. I'm so glad for all the updates. Looks like you are enjoying your little ones. I love the pic of Scarlet with the lasagna face, too cute! Jaxon is doing awesome in all his sports and Skateboarding is Super cool too.
    For some reason my blogger sign on is not working.
    Christina :)

  6. they are adorable...she's too funny! love the lasagna face and the paci addiction!

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