Friday, July 31, 2009

We've got Scarlett Fever!!!

We had our high definition ultrasound this morning and thankfully everything looked great again.  The doctor said we are "definitely having a little lady"!  We love the name Scarlett Rose.  After the ultrasound, Jaxon and I went to his summer preschool where he held a baby doll, hugged it and kissed it and kept calling it Baby Scarlett!  I think he is just as excited as we are for a baby sister and wanted to go pick out a pink blanket for her.   Of course, somehow he ended up  with a new pack of cars for himself too.  :)


  1. Awwwww, that is so sweet!!!! I love the name Scarlett Rose, Mia's middle name was almost Rose after my Aunt that passed away, and I should have named her that because the dr. called her that after her first blood trans. I'm thinking of changing it to Rose. :) - Can't wait for you!!!!

  2. So exciting! Love the name. Can't wait to see pictures of her on the blog!! :)

  3. Yeah, congrats!! Scarlet is a beautiful name & I love how much Jaxon loves his baby sister already :-)

  4. What a blessing! I am so excited for you & Jason! Love you both!

  5. Love it!!!! I can't wait to meet her! Who knows...Isaac and Scarlett just might be a match made in heaven! I'm so happy that everything is going well. xoxoxo

  6. LOVE LOVE L O V E that name!!!!!
    Soooo cute!
