We thought it was time to say goodbye to the crib as Jaxon could easily hop in and out whenever he wanted to.

He was a big help!!!

He seemed to love playing on his new "big boy" bed.

All his friends were still there. It made us kind of sad because he is growing up so fast!

I guess Jaxon wasn't ready for the change yet either because he wanted nothing to do with his new bed that night (crying and totally scared of it) so we had to change it back! We will try again in a few months... or maybe this will still be his bed in high school!
Hey, I have a book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and the book said to wait until your child ask for a "Big Boy/Girl Bed." We have been contemplating ourselves but I'm definitely not ready to let Ava have that freedom yet, lol! We may change our minds before the next baby comes but we will see...