Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Games

Hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend, here are some of the fun games we played together.
Jason set the new high score!
Go Jason!!!
Hop on Pop
100 Meter Dash
Ice Cream Eating Contest (and new haircut, not perfect, but I'm getting better at it!)
Sunset Watching
Sand Toss
Dinosaur Riding
Video Below: Dance Competition (I couldn't get it to rotate, but it's still pretty cute!!!)


  1. Wow! You're quick getting these pictures up! What a cute belly you have! looks like you had a fun day!

  2. Cute pics! You look great...definitely looking preggo now! Looks like you guys had a fun weekend. Give Jax a hug from me and his buddies!!! :) xoxo

  3. I love the first picture of you and Jaxon. The blue sky is unreal. When I got up to run this morning the moon was shinning - a sign summer has gone and the dark days of fall are quickly approaching. :( Enjoy that sunshine for me!

  4. Oh how cute, I love the hop on pop game...he! he! And the dance contest - bonk! - SO funny, Jaxon just keeps going. Too cute!!!

  5. Looks like a fun weekend & you look cute preggo's Mama!! Can you believe your almost 5 months?! It goes by slow and then fast. The weather looks amazing there too. I love that you guys can go to the beach whenever, so nice :-)
    BTW, what is your due date?
