Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I can't believe it is already September!!!  I was hoping to post once more in August, but the next best thing would be to finish this one before naptime is over!  Here are some pics from the last few weeks of August.
Movie and lunch date with Little Miss Holland

Big boy bed, take two!  (This time it worked!)
Birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese
Back at Disneyland again!  This day Disneyland not only felt like the happiest place on earth, but the most crowded and hottest place on earth as well!  We are having a major heat wave here with temps in the 90's even here on the beach.  That's hot for us!  Luckily, we are not affected at all so far by the fires in L.A.
Lunch and shopping with cousin Lilly, I love this picture!  What a cutie pie!

Trying to make the best of a bad mistake, I put the bleached bedding on the guest bed.  Jason just couldn't get behind the purple!  I guess he's just not a true Husky or Wolverine fan!!!  :)
Now I probably won't get new bedding again till I'm 80!
Jaxon's still not too happy about it, yep it's naptime!
Video Below: The Disappearing Ho Ho


  1. Jaxon is SOOO cute. That's right, Go Wolverine's! That was funny...I think it looks fine...I never would have known you bleached it if you hadn't of said...! lol!
    So the temps are bad!??! Hot here too!

  2. Great pic's of the kids. I like the pic of Lilly too. That is an expression Ava would make if I said to say, "cheese." That bedding looks good, I can't even tell a difference either :) yeah go Wolverines!!
    Is Jaxon getting closer to 3 now? We are moving Ava into the bigger room and I am really contemplating on changing her bed to a toddler bed but I'm so nervous. She is 28 months so it may be too soon or fine if we do it now. I'll let you know how it goes.
    Can't wait to see some preggy pic's of you soon :)

  3. I've heard the weather down there is crazy hot. My sister and in-laws are near fires too. They say it's raining ash. Gross. Cute pictures and I too, can't believe it's September!?!? Wow. Summer flew. I'm glad the big-boy bed is working out this time ;)!
