Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Trike Adventures

As you can see in these pics we are experiencing some foggy days where the marine layer never wears off at the beach.  We still manage to have lots of fun at the school playground, which is only a few blocks from our house.  Jason went to school here and hopefully Jaxon will too.  What could be better than a playground on the sand with an ocean view?  

This trike was well worth the investment, it provides entertainment for the whole family!  Hope everyone is having a great weekend, as soon as Jaxon wakes up from nap we are headed to his buddy Tyler's 2nd birthday party.  He is having a Cars party, Jaxon will be in heaven there.... or he will want to bring home everything he sees.  :)


  1. What cute pic's!!! I love the trike too...especially with dad on it! :) Hope you had a fun at the Cars party!!! :)

  2. Very fun - I love the quotes at the bottom of the page too!

  3. CUTE!!! I wish we lived closer so Jax and Weston could go on trike rides together! That would be so fun. Give him a big hug from us! xoxo

  4. Awesome pictures! Jaxon is adorable.

  5. That Jaxon is a cutie and I love his DC shoes too!
